Link to individual talks: Click on the days or the sessions for details. Also check the main session and special sessions sites for details. We follow the typical Methods format with talks Monday to Friday and an afternoon excursion on Wednesday, followed by the conference dinner (all included in the conference fee).
Programme at a glance (pdf file) (last updated: July 31)
Book of abstracts (pdf file, 17 MB) (please note: while the abstracts are sorted alphabetically by last name of the person who submitted the file, not all presenters submitted de-anonymised abstracts, so this is the best we can do with what we have ...)
Programme overview
8:50 | Welcome | Housekeeping | Housekeeping | Housekeeping | Housekeeping |
9:00- 10:00 |
Language, Migration and Identity on the Island of Ireland Through Time and Space Karen P. Corrigan |
Exploring 21st century methods for analysing nonhuman embodied, interactional grammar Leonie Cornips & Marjo van Koppen |
Parallel Sessions 7:
New 21st century (dia)lects? Taking stock of multiethnolects Jenny Cheshire |
Valuing dialectology in the 21st century: Insights from the Ontario Dialects Project Sali A. Tagliamonte |
10:00- 10:30 |
Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break |
10:30- 12:00 |
Parallel Sessions 1:
Parallel Sessions 4:
Parallel Sessions 8:
Parallel Sessions 9:
Parallel Sessions 12:
12:00- 13:30 |
Lunch | Lunch | 12:00-12:45 Lunch |
Lunch | Lunch |
13:30- 15:30 |
Parallel Sessions 2:
Parallel Sessions 5:
12:45 departure for Rhine river cruise and conference dinner at Burg Reichenstein |
Parallel Sessions 10:
Parallel Sessions 13:
15:30- 16:00 |
Coffee break | Coffee break + Q&A Session I |
Coffee break + Q&A Session II |
Conference Closing | |
16:00- 18:00 |
Parallel Sessions 3:
Parallel Sessions 6:
Parallel sessions 11:
18:00 | Welcome Reception |
Registration starts Monday 8 a.m.
1 slot = 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q&A)
Parallel sessions – 3 parallel slots
Please note: We will NOT have a poster session.