Methods XVII proceedings

Updates for authors/contributors to the Methods XVII proceedings volume

– watch this space for updates –


After a number of challenges on the editorial and other fronts, the volume is finally coming together – we've sent out preliminary proofs to make sure things are on track. We hope to finalise the volume in a few months - thank you for your patience!


We've sent out reviews to all contributors including info on revisions etc. There are a couple of things we'd like you to include/do for your next draft (if you haven't done so already):

  • it is essential that you check the Language Science Press "Tools and Templates" website before submitting your revised drafts:
  • in particular, make sure you're adhering to the style guide for formatting bibliographies
  • formatting of bib entries: Language Science Press uses a typical author-date format which includes full names of authors, place of publication and publisher, so if your references don't include this info, please update!
  • we will have to retrieve each and every bib entry for the whole volume from the web (or re-type/copy and paste everything manually) in order to convert bibliographies into bibtex-files – thus,
    • whereever possible, please inlcude a DOI (preferred), a JSTOR permalink or the direct link to the article for each of your bib entries;
    • if you are using a reference manager such as Citavi, Zotero, or Mendeley, please export your bibliography as a BibTex-compatible file (e.g. *.bib or *.tex format) and send that to us along with your paper
    • if, for some reason, you're familiar with LaTex and BibTex, write your whole paper in that system – and don't forget to send us all your files to include (figures, bib, etc.)

General formatting stuff

  • please follow the instructions on the publisher's website:
  • Figures, graphs, maps, other visuals

    • these must be provided as separate files (one file per graph/figure/map)
    • photographs should be in jpg format
    • for all drawings, maps, diagrams, etc., a vector format (svg, eps, ps, pdf) is preferred, png is acceptable
    • for jpg and png, resolution should be at least 300 dpi
    • if you create plots with R, export them as svg
    • if you create plots within a spreadsheet, try to export them as svg, eps, pdf, in that order of preference. DO NOT SCREENSHOT YOUR SPREADSHEET.
    • see  for more information
  • Bibliography, citations

    • if you do have the time, it would help us tremendously if you could provide the .bib-entry (BibTex) for references – those of you who work with reference managers (such as Zotero, Mendeley, Citavi) can export their bibliographic entries as .bib files please send those to us!
    • please make sure that your bibliography includes ALL first and ALL last names of ALL authors and editors, no matter how many there are
    • DO NOT USE et al.
    • DO NOT abbreviate first names to initials
    • DO NOT use Special Capitalisation in your references